Every blog must begin. My consolation is that new blogs are like buildings sites (pun:intended). As you approach a construction zone where a house, office, or other structure, the first thing you notice is that it appears things are going in a wrong direction. Rather than fitting materials together and building up, a rather non-glorious labor is initiated, ground is broke, mud is moved, and a hole is dug. Far before the fulfillment of a laid foundation, the messy, consistent labor of a hole is excavated. This is the kind of “earth-moving” work no one dreams of, but avoids.
But to a builder, a big hole is happy site.But to a builder or an architect, a big mud hole is happy site. Why? Because they can see. What can they see in the black hole? Aren’t black holes notorious for sucking everything into an infinite abyss?
Not these holes. These holes are preparation for gathering places of worship. Architects can behold the building-to-be in the blackness. This is my hope with building this site (pun:intended again). My desire is that this site would be a place which cultivates worship. This is the first post, with everything from the menus, graphics, font, colors, and categories far in the distance, I begin with this little shovel-of-a-keyboard and begin breaking ground. If this builder has his way by the grace of God, somewhere in the future, shovel by shovel, a foundation will form.